10 Native Species
- Robin - An orangey warm color, sings songs, early appearance and the end of winter
- Mallard Ducks - Males have glossy green heads and have grey on the wings and belly. Females have brown speckled plumage
- Red Flowering Currant - Pinkish with 5 petals, leaves’ surface is green and smooth.Underneath leaves’ is white and finely haired. Berries are deep purple when ripe.
- Oregon Grape Holly - Bright yellow flowers that eventually turn into dark blueberries.
- Douglas Fir - (Evergreen conifer) Pine tree with needle like leaves. Bark is thick and scaly.
- Western Red Cedar- Evergreen coniferous tree which can grow and reproduce under shade.
- Big Leaf Maple - Largest of all maple trees(deciduous tree), have 5 deeply incised palmate lobes. Grows where soil is moist, leaves are green and shiny.
- Nootka Rose - Deciduous and pinnately compound leaves with 5-9 leaflets. Leaves are arranged alternately. Pink flowers in groups of 2-3.
- Jack Pine - Short, light green pointy needles which are yellow green with buds that are pale reddish brown.
- Cattail - Live in wetland, have flowering spikes and flat blade leaves, usually found near the edge of ponds or marshes.
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