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Showing posts from June, 2017

Grade 9's tour guide on Habitat Island

Had lots of fun touring the grade 9s around at the Habitat Island; introducing them to the invasive species, explained the background history of how it was built, went inside this tunnel like structure located near the beaver dam of Wet Land, etc.

Ecological Interactions and Invasive Species

HABITAT ISLAND - DICHOTOMOUS KEY PLANTS Click link for a closer look at the dichotomous key. Zoom in to see the pictures.

Habitat Island Story

                            Rally’s Home In the city of Vancouver, chaos and terror ran through the streets after a gang of mafia that goes by the name of NEMO (New Energy Making from Oxygen) overthrew the government of Canada. Their goal was to convert clean oxygen into oil, but this method came with a rapid rising of horrible amounts of pollution to mother earth herself. In a world where oil controls the economy, NEMO’s way of industrializing Canada bought fortune to the country. In response to NEMO the previous government of Canada decided to build a man-made island called Habitat Compensation Island out of materials such as 60, 000 cubic meters of rocks, cobble, gravel, boulders and sand. All of the materials were placed in shallow water and were planted with over 2000 native trees, plants, grasses and dead trees for birds to perch on. Deep ...

Trophic Level Card Game - Habitat Island


Trophic Level Card Game - Pacific Spirit Park



Habitat and the evidence of animals that are found on Habitat Island

Habitat Compensation Island Tour

History / Why was it created ? Construction for Habitat Island began in 2007 and finished in 2009 as a new habitat for species. It was built to make up for the lost portion of the natural waterfront which was used to develop island and buildings for the 2010 olympics(Southeast False Creek). The creation of the shoreline/island was required by the Department of Fisheries & Oceans because other shoreline and the resources were being taken during urban development of the buildings. How was it created? Materials such as 60,000m3 (cubic metres) of rocks, cobble, gravel, boulders and sand were used as well as leftover dirt and other materials from village excavation. All of the materials were placed in shallow water and were planted with over 2000 native trees, plants, grasses, and dead trees for birds to lay on. Deep layers of soil was added to provide nutrients for trees. Since it’s surrounded by water and high tides, it’s a sanctuary for birds. The fencing around so...

Species Identification - 10 Native Species on Habitat Island

10 Native Species Robin - An orangey warm color, sings songs, early appearance and the end of winter Mallard Ducks - Males have glossy green heads and have grey on the wings and belly. Females have brown speckled plumage Red Flowering Currant - Pinkish with 5 petals, leaves’ surface is green and smooth.Underneath leaves’ is white and finely haired. Berries are deep purple when ripe. Oregon Grape Holly - Bright yellow flowers that eventually turn into dark blueberries. Douglas Fir - (Evergreen conifer) Pine tree with needle like leaves. Bark is thick and scaly. Western Red Cedar- Evergreen coniferous tree which can grow and reproduce under shade. Big Leaf Maple - Largest of all maple trees(deciduous tree), have  5 deeply incised palmate lobes. Grows where soil is moist, leaves are green and shiny. Nootka Rose - Deciduous and pinnately compound leaves with 5-9 leaflets. Leaves are arranged alternately. Pink flowers in groups of 2-3. Jack Pine - Short, lig...

Habitat Compensation Island Tour

Habitat Compensation Island Tour History / Why was it created ? Construction for Habitat Island began in 2007 and finished in 2009 as a new habitat for species. It was built to make up for the lost portion of the natural waterfront which was used to develop island and buildings for the 2010 olympics(Southeast False Creek). The creation of the shoreline/island was required by the Department of Fisheries & Oceans because other shoreline and the resources were being taken during urban development of the buildings. How was it created? Materials such as 60,000m3 (cubic metres) of rocks, cobble, gravel, boulders and sand were used as well as leftover dirt and other materials from village excavation. All of the materials were placed in shallow water and were planted with over 2000 native trees, plants, grasses, and dead trees for birds to lay on. Deep layers of soil was added to provide nutrients for trees. Since it’s surrounded by water and high tides, it’s a sanctuary for ...

Species Identification - WHAT SPECIES LIVE HERE?

LIST OF SPECIES AT HABITAT ISLAND ANIMALS Barnacle Barnacles belong to the arthropod phylum and are actually a crustacean therefore; it is related to crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. They can be 0.4 - 2.7 inches in diameter and are usually seen on rocks, crabs, whales, and even turtle shells. Their heads are attached to the animals or rocks and eat with their feet. Most barnacles are hermaphrodites so they have both male and female organs inside of them but in order to reproduce they must be fertilized by their neighbour. Barnacles Mallard Ducks Mallard Ducks The Anas Platyrhynchos or the Mallard ducks are a species native to B.C. The male birds (drakes) have a glossy green head and are grey on wings and belly, while the females (hens or ducks) have mainly brown-speckled plumage. They live in wetlands and eat small animals as well as water plants. Robin Robin up close Robins are one of the common species across North America. Robi...